Resources Person

Resources Person


We are looking at educators to get into structured teaching to enable digital mode with the Continues Class Room Evaluation ( C C E) envisaged by the teaching frame work.


  • Subject
  • Topic
  • Sub-Topic
  • Detailed Notes on the Topic
  • Script for structured teaching Starting from Beginning to end with Time
  • Presentation / s material needed for explaining the Topic
  • Assignment /s on the topic covered with theoretical and practical implications
  • Multiple Choice questions on the assignments as the base ( Student can answer only when they clear the assignments)
  • Solutions for the questions asked.

We are looking at educators to create content on any topic of their Choice, where CSI will make it into a structured Video with addictions to enable students learn better.

Training will be provided online for educators to meet the needs mentioned above and the content will be loaded on the CSI portal, and on the usage and reviews from the users the content providers will be rewarded and promoted.

Looking at educators to enroll with the subject of their choice

Computer Society of India is making an open Learning Management System ( LMS) in all subjects ranging from IT to all other subjects, to making learning enjoyable and accomplish its Vision of taking IT to masses.

All Educators will have to register on the portal before 20-Sep-2024 to initiate the training program on structured teaching also known as Instructional Design.

Resoruces Person Registration

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Subject Topic Action